Name Of The Product | : | ARYA |
Active Substance | : | 700 g / L Copper oxychloride equivalent to Metallic Copper |
Formulation Form | : | Suspension Concentrate (SC) |
Group | : | M1- FUNGICIDE |
Environmental Impact | : | Toxic of fish. • It is toxic for bees. |
Antidote | : | There is not a special antidote.
According to the symptoms, treatment is applied. |
Form Of Market Presentation : 0,25 L – 1 L
First, the Plant Protection Product scaled on recommendation dose is mixed with a small amount of clean water in a separate container. The application machine tank is filled halfway with water. The mix is added to the tank while the mixer is running. Mixing is continued while the tank is completed with water. Mixing is continued until the application is completed. Use the prepared plant protection product the same day.
Calibration of the machine should be done before application. The amount of mixture should be calibrated for a good covering. Application should be performed during the cool period of the day in windless or less windy weather conditions.
*** For tomato’s downey mildew, 50 liters of water is used per decare.
Cleaning of Application Machine:
Safely empty the storage of the application machine immediately after the application is completed. After filling the tank with clean water, start the mixer and spray system to ensure that all parts are washed. Do not wash near water sources. Do not drain washing water and waste into water sources.
Vineyard Downey Mildew: 1st application: It should be applied when the shoot length is 25-30 cm. 2nd and other applications: It should be done 15 days after the first application. Considering the meteorological factors such as daily temperature and precipitation averages of the region, relative humidity, dew, applications should be made when suitable conditions for disease infection occur.
Peach Leaf Curl: An application is made during the period when the buds swell.
Dead Arm Infection in Vineyard: Winter Application: After pruning, it should be done immediately before the buds out. Summer Application: 1st Application: It should be applied when the shoot is 2-3 cm, 2nd Application: It should be applied when the shoot is 8-10 cm, 3rd Application: It should be applied when the shoot is 25-30 cm.
Olive Leaf Spot: In Marmara Region: 1st applying pesticide: Just Before autumn shoots, 2nd applying pesticide:after noticeable inflorescence, before the flowers bloom should be done.
In the Aegean Region: 1st applying pesticide: Just Before autumn shoots, 2nd applying pesticide: Just Before spring shoots, 3rd applying pesticide: after noticeable inflorescence, before the flowers bloom should be done.
In the Mediterranean Region: 1st applying pesticide: After harvest, 2nd applying pesticide: Just Before spring shoots,3rd applying pesticide: after noticeable inflorescence, before the flowers bloom should be done.
All application of pesticide should be done before or just after the rains.
Shot hole disease in stone fruits (spot) (Apricot): 1st Application: Immediately after defoliation in autumn, before the flower buds out in the spring (during the pink flower bud period). In addition to apricots, the third applying pesticide should be done when calyculus and the early organ plate on the fruits are peeled off the tip of the fruit.
Tomato Downey Mildew:
Applying pesticide is started when vine mildew cover is seen on the lower surface of brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm on tomato leaves. It is continued with an interval of 10-12 days.
Tomato Early Blight: Applying pesticide is started as soon as the first spots appear, it should be continued decently for 10-12 days as long as the climatic conditions continue to be suitable for the development of the disease.
MISCIBILITY: It is not recommended to mix it with products containing Calcium and Thiram. A premixture test is recommended before mixing the product with other plant protection products.
Plant Name |
Name of Harmful Organisms |
Usage Dosages |
Period Between The Last Application and The Harvest |
Vineyard * |
Downey Mildew (Plasmopara viticola) |
200 ml / 100 L water |
14 Days |
Peach |
Peach Leaf Curl (Taphrina deformans) |
300 ml / 100 L water |
7 Days |
Vineyard |
Dead Arm Infection in Vineyard (Phomopsis vticola) |
200 ml / 100 L water summer disinfestation |
14 Days |
Olive |
Olive Leaf Spot (Spilocaea oleagina = Cyclogonium oleaginum) |
150/ ml 100 L water |
14 Days |
Apricot |
Shot hole disease in stone fruits (spot) (wilsonomyces carpophylus = stigmina carpophila) |
200 ml /100 L water |
90 Days |
Tomatoes-- |
Downey Mildew (Phytophthora infestans) |
100 ml/ da *** (200 ml/ 100 L water) |
14 Days |
Early Blight (Alternaria solani) |
175 ml / 100 L water |
14 Days |
*It is not used in vineyard areas where leaves for consumption will be harvested.
(**) The recommendation of copper-based insecticide should be avoided in arid climatic conditions, as tomato plants may experience stagnation in their development; however, in places where organic fungicides are not available, maximum 1-2 applications should be applied with copper-based insecticides.