PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCT’S PREPARATION TO APPLICATION CLEANING OF THE APPLICATION MACHINE Immediately after the completion of application, empty the storage of application machine safely. After filling it with clean water, wash all parts by operating the mixer and pulverization system. Do not do the cleaning process near water sources. Do not pour cleaning water and wastes into the water sources.
Against Pear psyllid in Pear, one disinfestation may be sufficient when almost all of the eggs laid by the wintering mature seeds hatch and second and third instar nymphs begin to appear, more than 15% of the shoots are infested, sweetish substance flow does not begin, and natural enemies are not abundant. Against the codling moth, the applications to be made should be guided by the prediction and early warning system. The goal in the fight against codling moths is to kill the hatched larvae before entering the fruit by keeping the trees with pesticides during the larvae emergence of each seed. Apple ermine, if there are 4 clusters of larvae that have penetrated into the epidermis or made a net in a bouquet of 100 leaves to represent the garden, the application is made. Apple, Pear leafminer, leaves should be taken from at least 5 trees, 20 from each tree, from the designated places and live larvae should be counted. The application should be made if there are 4 or more larvae per leaf. Against cotton leafworm in cotton, leaves, teasles, flowers and balls of 25 plants in total, one plant in 10-15 steps, are checked. Application is decided when 0.5 larvae per plant or 2 egg packs or opened egg packs are seen in 25 plants. MISCIBILITY CONDITION