Fermen 6% GS DUO - 2

Product Certificate and Label Fermen 6% GS DUO - 2
Product Name : FERMEN 6% GS DUO - 2
Type   : EDDHSA with Chelated 6 % Iron (Fe)
Guaranteed Content : W/W
Water Soluble Iron (Fe)  : % 6
EDDHA with Chelated Iron (Fe) : % 3
EDDHSA with Chelated Iron (Fe) : % 3
pH Range at which Chelate Stabilizes : 4-11

Form Of Market Presentation: 1 kg


FERMEN is an iron source in a new generation of water-soluble granule formulation that can be applied foliar and soil in iron deficiency in plants. It is developed by EDDHSA chelating technology. In cases that the plant can not be fed enough from the soil, as a supplement, it can be applied foliar to the plant, too. It can be used safely in every plants and taken into body of plant in a short time by plant leaves. It takes roles in chlorophyll synthesis and the respiratory system of cells. It is required for a chain reaction in the synthesis of chlorophyll compounds. It takes role as a part of the operating mechanism of the respiratory enzyme systems of living cells in plants. It participates in growth and cell division reactions, too. Iron deficiency is not observed in grown plants in used cultivated and planted areas. It meets the needs of a significant portion of the micro plant nutrients which plant needs it, but can not take due to the high pH of the soil. Used in cultivated and planted fields, It prevents yellowing and loss and also fruit loss based on the micro-element deficiency in the old leaves of the plant. It speeds up the vegetative and generative growth of plants and helps to extend the generative growth period. Thanks to the sulfonic chelate structure in the content, it facilitates intake of plant nutrients from soil by plants, regulating the pH of the soil. Because the iron element in the content is in the form of chelates with ortho-ortho EDDHSA, It is a micro-economic source of plant nutrient that can be used all by the plant.

                                          USAGE, UTILIZATION TIME AND AMOUNT OF USE
Vegetable Growing
(Tomatoes, pepper,
eggplant, melon)
When the seedlings
are distracted,
First flowering period,
After the first fruit
Drippage 500 gr/decar
500 gr/decar
1 kg / decar
Vegetable Growing
(Tomatoes, pepper,
eggplant, melon)
In seedling perion
When it has 3-5 leaves
After the first fruit with
20 day intervals
Foliar 150 gr/decar
200 gr/decar
250 gr/decar
Corn, Barley,
When plants height is 20-40 cm,
When top tassel grows,
When plant has 3-5 leaves,
In tillering with herbicide
Foliar 100 gr/decar
150 gr/decar
150 gr/decar
150 gr/decar
Sugar beet, 
Carrot, Radish
When it has 3-5 leaves Foliar 100-150 gr/decar
Vineyard In bunch extension
In flower set
15 days after flower formation
Without falling spot on the plant
Foliar 250 gr/decar
250 gr/decar
150-200 gr/decar
150-200 gr/decar
Citrus Trees 1. Application blooming stage,
2. While Application fruits are
in the hazelnut size
Drippage 300 gr/decar
300 gr/decar
1. Application blooming period,
2. While Application fruits are in the hazelnut size
Foliar 150-200 gr/decar
150-200 gr/decar
Fruit Trees
(Apple, Cherry,
Peach, Pear
Quince, Apricot)
1. Application in blooming period,
2. Application in fruits period
Drippage 1 kg / decar
1 kg / decar
1. Application in blooming period,
2. Application in fruits period
Foliar 150 gr/decar
200-250 gr/decar
                                                        USAGE, UTILIZATION TIME AND AMOUNT OF USE
Cotton When it has 3-5 leaves
In comb
In flower
Foliar 100 gr/decar
150 gr/decar
150 gr/decar
Potato Soy,
Pea, Peanut
Before flower
20 days after flowering
Foliar 100 gr/decar
150 gr/decar
Strawberry In 5-6 leaves period
Before flowering
With 20 day intervals
With dripping water 500gr/decar
300 gr/dekar
300 gr/decar
In 5-6 leaves period
Before flowering
With 20 day intervals
Foliar 150 gr/decar
200 gr/decar
250 gr/decar